Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm feeling very overwhelmed today.

Last week I decided to drop 503 and concentrate on 401. It's a decision that I didn't take lightly but in the face of the real world committments I have, it seemed like an option I really needed to consider. I felt a huge weight lifted once I made the choice.

Today I've started to think about how to actually plan my first assignment for 401 and again, I'm churning!

There have been so many readings and notes and podcasts, vodcasts, youtube videos, forums, chats and phonecalls - my head is swimming! I can barely recall what an ILSC is, let alone write 2000 words on the subject.

I hope in a few months I'll look back on this post and decide it was 'First Assignment jitters' and be able to laugh at myself.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hearing you on the overwhelmed vibe there Kendall- it's all a bit much huh?

    I find the daily bombardment of emails and forum postings way too much to handle sometimes.

    I hope you find things a bit easier once you get the first assignment out of the way. Good luck!
